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The Web

You may have heard of this thing called the Internet, it’s getting rather popular. Web development is a giant ecosystem and while it’d be cool to have mastered all of it, that’s not possible, not even close. Our Web development practice falls into a couple of areas:

Application Development


With React or Angular.io we can build robust web applications. React is more commonplace, but we do work with Angular 2+ as well. Common libraries used are:

These applications are generally built by WebPack and written with ECMAScript 6, 7, or TypeScript.


Our preferred platform for writing APIs and integrating with other platforms is node.js, specifically Hapi and its surrounding ecosystem. Hapi’s approach to development is incredibly well thought out and allows for full-control over the http request/response lifecycle, as well as enabling the developer to write succinct and well designed code.

Hapi by itself is not terribly interesting, but its power really comes through when it is used with the other libraries in its oeuvre:
